Monday, January 19, 2009

How did this happen?

Yes, though it doesn't appear to matter..I have been MIA. Here is the reason:
My beloved daughter, my only child, is seriously ill. My heart hurts; I have never felt so helpless, so useless, in all of my life. I find that I now have tunnel vision: nothing else is as important as her getting well, nothing; everything else hinges on this fact. I am consumed with thoughts of how to make her well, how to help her. Please pray for my girl.


Unknown said...

Hello Audrey - you don't know me but through a very circuitous route I ended up here on your blog tonight. After enjoying so many of your stories, artwork and humor, I came upon this post and was saddened to learn of your daughter's illness. I understand how much the heart can hurt and I could feel your anguish and pain. I just wanted to say that I do hope your daughter is feeling better and that things are improving... you both will be in my thoughts and prayers,

Houserules said...

Dear Marjorie,
Though I am not Audrey, I thank you so very much for your kind words. I am Aud's blog partner, it is my daughter who is ill. She will get the results of her latest tests on Thursday...please keep her in your thoughts.

Thankfully, Aud's only child is well and happy, down on the farm :)