Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Winchesters are at it again. aka If you build it, they will come

And I don't mean the cute ones, Dean and Sam, from Supernatural...I mean my crazy neighbors. They build non stop over there. At one time there was a house w/a detached garage. NOW, there is this huge structure resembling a small cult compound; you can not tell where the house stops and the garage starts. It is all now interconnected...bizarrely interconnected. I am sure no permits were issued for this dwelling reassignment..there is no way it is up to code. But none the less, they forge ahead hammering til all hours of the night and early morning. I would think they were vampires, but I do see them out inspecting their abode in the sunlight.

About 3 months ago we had a huge storm with strong winds....the whole ass end of this architectural nightmare landed in several neighboring yards. So hence, the renewed buidling frenzy.

If I can get out there when they aren't nailing something together, I am SOOO going to take pictures. :))

Friday, July 17, 2009

I was so wrong..it was worth it, worth it, worth it! Elton and Billy are a must see, no matter how much planning it takes.

We ate at Buca di Beppo, then the concert! 31/2 hours of bliss with 20,000 of my closest friends :p

I can honestly say I waited 30 years for this, and it was worth it. I am a happy girl!.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's more work than it's worth, really

For me to leave the house for 24 hours requires 72 hours of prep. I just want to say NO..but I can't. My daughter and I are going to see Billy Joel and Elton John, in concert. She talked me into it by saying "MOM! How much longer do you think these geezers will be going on tour??" Her logic got to me, so I said sure.

It has taken an enormous amount of planning, scheduling and rescheduling, for me to go. I used to be able to say 'I'm going to a concert" and then leave to go. I miss the '80's!

See ya after I get back; we're going to be packed like sardines in a hotel room with 4 kids. Oh yippeee hahaha

Thursday, July 9, 2009

She's just crazy

Okay..correct me if I am wrong..but, if someone says "I have got HAVE GOT to be to work by 8:30 AM, so I'll be at your house by 7:45 AM...shouldn't they arrive before noon?
My SIL is way short the sandwiches it takes for a picnic; I've always known this, it is a fact of life. But lately, it is pissing me off. Why? Because she is crazy, no one expects anything from her, not even punctuality. Guess what? I DO! Crazy Cakes needs medicated and/or hospitalized.

She isn't your normal inlaw crazy, she truly is in need of mental health care; her meltdowns are astounding and disturbing. Like the time her daughter passed out after getting blood drawn..and she screamed like a banschee and DRAGGED her around the house by her arm, babbling incoherently while my brother called 911. Or how 3 days later, claimed that Taco Bell was trying to kill her by putting something in her food...running around the house, holding her head yelling her brain was shutting down. YEAH..she is THAT kind of crazy.

I want to smack my brother for marrying her when he knew she was nuts. I want to punch and kick him for having a kid, at age 50, with the same crazy ( then aged 46 ) nutcase. I want to use a cattle prod on both of them for what they are doing to their kid, all in the name of keeping her crazy ass quiet.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Today is the 4th of July.
Try not to blow anything or anyone up...but have a good time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You Reap What You Sow

Just talked to my daughter. They live behind a gated community with all the restrictions , rules, and HomeOwners Association costs that are included with such. The key words here are 'they live behind "; they are not a part of this community, have a restriction free deed to their land, as do their immediate neighbors. The live on, and actually own, a cul de sac. A nice, safe, dead end street for my girls to live and play on.

Or is it?

The HomeOwners Assoc. is pissed off that Erica, Jason, the neighbors, and the soon to be new neighbors, are exempt from their tyranny. They allow their teen agers to run rampant through the neighborhoods, terrorizing everyone. My daughter awoke one day last week to find 3 teen agers RipSticking on her newly poured driveway. When she opened her back door, one little darling had the audacity to throw his arms up in a gang sign and say" What the fuck are you doing here? YOU don't belong here." When she told them to get off her property, he offered up that his father ( head of the H.O. Assoc. told him he was allowed to skate on the INTERLOPER'S property!! Yeah..they are those kind of kids, from those kind of parents.

Today, these same sweet, well bred kids were racing the neighborhood in the leader's brand new pickup truck; one driving, 3 in the bed. He took a turn meant to be taken at about 15 mph at about 50; he missed the turn, ran through a neighbor's front yard...and met with a tree, head on. All 3 kids in the back were thrown out..one went over the cab of the truck, hit the tree. This was at 10:15 am this morning; it is now 12:45 pm, and the emergency crews and pollice are still at the scene.

I have no idea what condition any of them are in. I feel bad that I don't feel bad... my first and only thoughts were for my girls. What if they, or someone else, had been walking down the street at that moment? Or crossing the street? Or just in their own front yard?

I am consumed with What If's. Ugh. I'll find out what happened later.

Okay..it's later. One kid was critically injured.they've all be charged with wreckless endangerment, property damage, and a few other charges. The kid driving ( same one as with the RipStick on the driveway) had the cops yelling for him to shut the hell up...he was calling the cops names and demanding to be let go. Yeah..that's just what we all need. pfft