Thursday, July 9, 2009

She's just crazy

Okay..correct me if I am wrong..but, if someone says "I have got HAVE GOT to be to work by 8:30 AM, so I'll be at your house by 7:45 AM...shouldn't they arrive before noon?
My SIL is way short the sandwiches it takes for a picnic; I've always known this, it is a fact of life. But lately, it is pissing me off. Why? Because she is crazy, no one expects anything from her, not even punctuality. Guess what? I DO! Crazy Cakes needs medicated and/or hospitalized.

She isn't your normal inlaw crazy, she truly is in need of mental health care; her meltdowns are astounding and disturbing. Like the time her daughter passed out after getting blood drawn..and she screamed like a banschee and DRAGGED her around the house by her arm, babbling incoherently while my brother called 911. Or how 3 days later, claimed that Taco Bell was trying to kill her by putting something in her food...running around the house, holding her head yelling her brain was shutting down. YEAH..she is THAT kind of crazy.

I want to smack my brother for marrying her when he knew she was nuts. I want to punch and kick him for having a kid, at age 50, with the same crazy ( then aged 46 ) nutcase. I want to use a cattle prod on both of them for what they are doing to their kid, all in the name of keeping her crazy ass quiet.


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