Thursday, December 4, 2008

Do you see what I see?

No matter how long I've been married, I never get tired of messing with my hsb. .. kinda like those stupid Messin' with Sasquatch commercials; there really isn't any point, it just makes me laugh.
Soo, the other night, the hsb. takes me out at out to our favorite restaurant for Mexican food..and more importantly, margaritas! We have our best, most enlightening chats, while out to dinner. This night we were discussing a guy with whom my hsb. works, and his choice in dating material.

Hsb.: she is sorta, kinda, ugly. Not elephant man ugly,...just blase' ugly.

Me: WTF? how can someone be blase' ugly? Give me your margarita, you're done.

Hsb. Look it up.

Me: pfft. She has no redeeming qualities? No hidden talents? *Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.*
She must have something going for her for D. to go out with her for this long.

Hsb. Ugh, gross

Me: HAHAHAA omg, you big baby. Alright, exactly what was it that attracted you to me?

Hsb.: You have beautiful eyes. Your intelligence. The list goes on and on.

Me: Cut the crap.


Me: Bingo.

A few margaritas and the truth will out. :p

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