Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Winchesters are at it again. aka If you build it, they will come

And I don't mean the cute ones, Dean and Sam, from Supernatural...I mean my crazy neighbors. They build non stop over there. At one time there was a house w/a detached garage. NOW, there is this huge structure resembling a small cult compound; you can not tell where the house stops and the garage starts. It is all now interconnected...bizarrely interconnected. I am sure no permits were issued for this dwelling reassignment..there is no way it is up to code. But none the less, they forge ahead hammering til all hours of the night and early morning. I would think they were vampires, but I do see them out inspecting their abode in the sunlight.

About 3 months ago we had a huge storm with strong winds....the whole ass end of this architectural nightmare landed in several neighboring yards. So hence, the renewed buidling frenzy.

If I can get out there when they aren't nailing something together, I am SOOO going to take pictures. :))

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