Friday, February 13, 2009

Billy Mays has important things to tell us

There are some things you just know to be true...

Billy Mays has important things to tell us ...

I know cause the 4 yr. old me, as he stared intently into the TV screen. He is impressed with Mr. Mays; he told me " I love Billy Mays! He has great products that you need!" So far, Billy hasn't sold me anything, but if the 4 yr. had money..I would own a plethora of Mays' products. Billy Mays and Debbie Meyer should get married; she could keep all his products fresh.

ITunes, Amazon.Com,Barnes and Noble, Kohls Dept. Store ...
they all know me by name, and own a piece of my soul. I suck.

Don't answer ...
When your hsb. asks you if you use ITunes very much. Just blink and say something innocuous like..oh, sometimes..mostly I upload my own stuff.

Everything in our house is meant to hang clothing on ...
I know this is true because my hsb. hangs his clothes on EVERYTHING in our house, including the vacuum. WTF?

Any/every box of cereal only yields 3-4 bowls ..
portion control, smortion control; that 12 serving thing on the nutritional values is simply a 'suggestion'

These are just some of the things I learned today! Everyday is a learning experience ;)

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